Discover our expertise in wealth management

Wealth assessment

Tax optimisation

Donation advice

Passing on the family business

LThe notary is a key expert in the management of your wealth because, unlike insurers, banks or asset management firms, he has an overall view of your family and estate status. This translates into long-term support, based on the charter of notary-wealth advisers and embodying a strict code of ethics.

Notre expertise en gestion de patrimoine vous permettra d'obtenir une vue d'ensemble claire et détaillée de votre situation financière.


A comprehensive assessment is an essential step in evaluating the composition and value of your assets. Thanks to our expertise in wealth management, you can obtain a clear and detailed overview of your financial situation. This helps you make informed decisions about your financial future. We are in a position to guide you towards a better understanding of your assets.


The transfer of a family business can be greatly facilitated by the use of the “Dutreil law”. It is a tax scheme designed to encourage such transfers by offering significant tax benefits. It reduces the tax base for inheritance or gift tax, which can considerably lighten the tax burden for the beneficiaries. However, it is essential to consult a notary to ensure that all the conditions are met and that the transfer is carried out in accordance with the law.

Il est essentiel de consulter un notaire pour s'assurer que toutes les conditions sont remplies et que la transmission est effectuée conformément à la loi.
Nos notaires sont des experts en droit de la famille et en droit patrimonial, jouant un rôle central pour les résidents internationaux.


Our notaries, experts in family and property law, play a central role for international residents. Their knowledge of local and international laws enables them to advise on how to structure assets to minimise the tax burden, in compliance with national and international regulations. They are also involved in estate planning for international families, devising transfer strategies and reducing tax and legal complexities. Their expertise extends to international property management, offering legal and tax advice to maximise benefits and ensure efficient management.


The aim of tax optimisation is to minimise the tax burden while scrupulously complying with the law. Our specialists in tax strategy for wealth management can help you draw up personalised tax plans, carefully identifying legal tax opportunities. We take an in-depth look at your financial situation with the precise aim of maximising tax benefits, thereby effectively and legally preserving your assets.

Nos notaires sur Nice spécialisés en stratégie fiscale pour la gestion de patrimoine vous accompagnent dans l'élaboration de plans fiscaux personnalisés, en identifiant soigneusement les opportunités fiscales légales.
Nos notaires à Nice, experts en gestion de patrimoine, sont là pour vous accompagner dans cette démarche cruciale.


Donations are a powerful way of planning the transfer of your assets in a well-considered and informed way. Our wealth management experts are here to support you in this crucial process. They will give you valuable advice on the best strategies for giving to your loved ones, while optimising the specific tax advantages. With their help, you can look to the future with greater peace of mind, knowing that your assets are in safe hands and that your wealth objectives are being carefully considered.